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Resident Engagement

On the journey together

Prioritising the safety and wellbeing of communities is a goal the housing sector constantly strives towards. A crucial part of this involves placing residents at the core of delivery as a means of ensuring best practice.

Engaging with a diverse range of residents and empowering them to be involved through the journey is often a great indicator of success so they have the confidence to raise their concerns and feel part of solution. In order to achieve this, a foundation for mutual trust needs to be developed.

To do this the most suitable methods need to be identified to make sure as many people can be engaged with as possible.


Improving resident engagement

The Housing Safety and Wellbeing Taskforce wants to work in partnership with a range of organisations in the sector to maximise resources to develop a cultural change. This will put resident engagement at the heart of delivery. It will transform the language and terminology used by the sector to make it more inclusive for residents and not a barrier to participation.

A cultural change in resident engagement will develop a better model for the housing sector to move forward with. It will be a model that informs, consults, involves, collaborates and empowers.

The Resident Safety Campaign

The Resident Safety Campaign was launched by Inside Housing and Aico in 2019, with the aim to improve resident safety and promote best practice across the sector.

Visit the Resident Safety Campaign
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