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Net Zero / Decarbonisation

Helping to reach the goal

The UK’s commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 has placed a number of daunting structural and behavioural challenges on the housing sector.

Reducing the carbon footprint of the UK’s homes represents one of the most pressing challenges – from delivering sustainable developments to retrofitting the UK’s existing housing stock. The greatest behavioural challenges involve engaging with residents to adopt more sustainable living practices and embracing newer technologies to accelerate decarbonisation. This is in addition to ensuring colleagues in the housing sector are equally educated and empowered with the knowledge, approaches and skillsets to deliver such change.

Achieving net zero in social housing

Whilst there has been a lot of discussion and debate about these issues, many organisations in the sector continue to work in silos and on their own solutions. The Housing Safety and Wellbeing Taskforce believes collective action is critical so that organisations can develop joint solutions and share best practice to decarbonise at a faster rate. We want to support the sector to meet its climate change obligations by creating a platform that is truly collaborative.

Unlock Net Zero

Unlock Net Zero is a knowledge hub focusing on the practical reality of the transition to a net zero future. The hub was designed to focus on the how, informing, educating and connecting people and organisations involved in adopting a net zero approach.

Visit Unlock Net Zero
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