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Fire And Carbon Monoxide Safety

Helping to create safer homes

Across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, incidents of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning claim and impacts the lives of hundreds of people every year.

This causes untold psychological trauma, physical harm and grief to individuals and the surrounding communities, yet the current regulatory landscape approach is not aligned to ensure everyone is equally protected.

At present, large discrepancies exist between the UK’s nations when it comes to fire safety and carbon monoxide regulations. From smoke alarms to sprinklers, each nation has a different set of rules detailing the level of protection required that also varies depending on property type.

Improving fire and carbon monoxide safety

Is more stringent regulation required to develop a further proactive, preventive approach in the sector or should the sector be leading the way in outlining best practices?

The Housing Safety and Wellbeing Taskforce is seeking to drive change through evidence-based research to call for an enhanced level and standardisation of fire and CO safety regulations across all nations of the UK. This will ensure that communities are equally protected under the strongest possible terms regardless of where they live or what type of property they occupy.

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