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Meet our Ambassadors

Mandeep Bhogil

Executive Director of Operations at Tower Hamlets Community Housing

Mandeep Bhogil is the Executive Director of Operations at THCH. With over 20 years of experience in the sector, she is leading its cultural and performance transformation. Her passion for safety and compliance has secured her a spot as one of Inside Housing’s Safer Homes Ambassadors. And when she’s not driving improvement, you may find Mandeep supporting roundtable discussions with her housing sector peers.

Andrew Van Doorn OBE

Chief Executive of HACT

Andrew is the Chief Executive of HACT. HACT partners with organisations across the housing sector to drive value for residents and communities through insight-led products and services which encourage innovation and foster collaboration. HACT helps them measure their social value, better understand the communities they serve, broker collaborations with the NHS, and connect with like-minded organisations.

Gerald Charles

Head of Retrofit, Household Energy Services at Centre for Sustainable Energy

Gerald is the Head of Retrofit for The Centre for Sustainable Energy. Gerald leads a team at CSE in Bristol that helps advise local authorities, social housing, and homeowners to understand how to make their buildings more energy efficient. CSE’s work involves providing advice and coordinating projects to upgrade homes and businesses, reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. Currently, Gerald is studying for his BSc in Construction Project Management at the University of South Wales.

Rick Hylton

Chief Fire Officer, Essex County Fire & Rescue Services

In 2019, Rick joined Essex County Fire and Rescue Service as the deputy chief fire officer. In January 2022, Rick was appointed as the Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. Rick has led the Home Safety Committee since 2015. In addition, he was the National Fire Chief Council gold group lead for prevention through the pandemic response.

Professor Paddy Gray OBE

Professor at Ulster University

Paddy is a former President of the Chartered Institute of Housing. In 2012 was awarded an honorary Fellowship of RICS. In 2015 he won the UK national award for Outstanding Contribution to Work Experience. In 2017 he was named the top power player in housing in the UK by 24 Housing and in 2019 was awarded an OBE for services to housing and communities.

Mark Gittos

Place Shaping and Customer Engagement Team Leader at a leading Housing Association

Mark is the Place Shaping and Customer Engagement Team Leader at a leading Housing Association in England. With a dedication to prioritising residents needs, he champions initiatives that amplify voices and foster a deep sense of belonging. Mark’s expertise spans across multiple housing associations, where he’s delivered resident-centric programmes. Commanding an international team of up to 15, he has spearheaded projects in various countries, specialising in emotional resilience, behavioural insights, neuro-linguistic and positive psychology. His profound understanding of growth mindset and appreciative inquiries underscores his commitment to creating empowered and thriving communities.

Ilene Campbell

Chief Executive at Tenants Information Service (TIS)

Ilene Campbell is the Chief Executive of TIS, leading the development of innovative tenant participation and engagement practice. She has over 25-years of senior leadership experience, working in the public, social rented, and third sectors to ensure tenants and wider communities have a voice. Ilene sits on the Scottish Government’s Cross Party Working Group and is the Co-Chair of the Scottish Hub of the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence. She is also a Board member of Linstone Housing Association.

Here’s what it means to be an Ambassador

“All my life I have been striving to improve housing conditions and peoples lives at a local, national and international level. As a HSWT Ambassador I will continue to strengthen my ambition that everyone is entitled to live in good quality, decent affordable and safe accommodation no matter what their circumstances.”

Paddy Gray - Ambassador

“We need to work together to ensure that NetZero becomes a reality. Being an ambassador on The Housing Safety & Wellbeing Taskforce is an amazing opportunity to collaborate with like minded professionals, to help make sure we do this right the first time and not have to redo all our work in 10 years’ time. I am honoured to be working with such highly respected people on these important issues.”

Gerald Charles - Ambassador

“Accountability for our customer’s safety doesn’t start and stop with H&S experts, it requires us all to lead in every capacity to create safer homes. As an Ambassador I want to support the Taskforce in shaping a more inclusive and informed culture in the sector.”

Mandeep Bhogil - Ambassador

“Delivering quality homes that are safe and promote health and wellbeing is critical. The social housing sector faces many challenges, around building safety and quality, decarbonisation, and regenerating whole estates and communities. The health and wellbeing of people and communities needs to be at the core of these agendas. Investment in homes and places, needs to be an investment in people and their wellbeing.”

Andrew Van Doorn - Ambassador
AccountabilityAirplane arrow_downArrow Left Arrow Right audiobattery bedroom-fill bedroom bell blocks book_open books bulb calendar-time calendar cart Error circle-validclock cloud-upload cloud comments crossdata_download detectorsdining-room-fill document download-thin download exclamation filter fire-cloud firegarage-fill garagegatewayGroup-385guaranteegw-dashboard-red gw-doc-red gw-notifications-red gw-property gw-reduce gw-smartlink-red gw-time-red gw-wifi-red hallway-fill hallwayshand-heart hash headset hobicon-digital icon-easi-fit icon-sensor icon-switch icon-wireless key kitchen-fill kitchenlanding-fill landingslaptop launch living-room-fill living-roomloan location-pin loft-fill loftnetwork no-cable opening_times Passionpeople Phone play position-pin pound-sign power presentation reading real-estate Safer-Communitiessalary savings search settings Share-Geniusshare sheild smoke-alarm social_facebooksocial_googleplussocial_instagramsocial_linkedin_altsocial_linkedinsocial_pinterestsocial-share social-tiktoklogo-twitter-glyph-32social-x social-youtube spanner stairstail-left tail-right Team-Workticktrash Trustupdate-phone user warning-sign wifi-protected