Click here to download Fire safety, standards, and regulations research from Cebr.

The Housing Safety And Wellbeing Taskforce

The housing sector is facing unprecedented pressure to deliver and reform. Tasked by the Government to rapidly deliver more homes, it is facing challenging targets to build 300,000 homes a year by the mid-2020s whilst improving the efficiency and sustainability of its existing stock. And this must be achieved whilst balancing the key responsibility of meeting regulatory compliance to ensure the safety of residents.

To deliver on all of these priorities, the Housing Safety and Wellbeing Taskforce will set out a collaborative sector-led approach to implementing new regulations and standards – informing best practice to influence positive change.

About Us


At present there are a broad range of regulations, standards, legislation and policies in place, or being produced, for key priorities affecting the housing sector. Despite many of these overlapping both in their objectives and delivery, there is a lack of joined-up thinking or meaningful targets to measure progress.

There is a clear need for a strategic approach to policy, budgets, and resources to meet the challenges impacting the sector both today and in the future.

In response, the Housing Safety and Wellbeing Taskforce has been set up to drive forward strategic collaboration under the following key tasks for the sector: Health and Wellbeing, Net Zero/Decarbonisation, Housing Quality, Fuel Poverty, Fire and CO Safety and Resident Engagement.

Guidance Is Built On Expertise And Knowledge.

The Taskforce is brought to you from a broad spectrum of members and partners from across the industry.


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