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Health and Wellbeing

The importance of good quality housing

Building and maintaining a high quality of home in the UK has been an ongoing challenge. Having a warm, safe and affordable place to live is strongly linked to a positive effect on health. As is so often the case in the UK, residents are not able to secure affordable, good quality housing and this has a detrimental impact on the health and wellbeing of families and individuals.

A house is more than the four walls we live in – it’s our home, our security, our foundation in life, a fundamental building block to our wellbeing. Everyone has the right to a home and a decent quality one.

Vivid Homes – Housing quality and neighbourhoods – the impact on wellbeing

What is a healthy home?

Understanding what a healthy home means to residents is key to delivering housing that supports good health and wellbeing. Currently there is no specific legislation on how to support good health and wellbeing and no industry best practice, this leaves landlords, developers and the house sector guessing on how to create homes that have a positive impact on health and wellbeing for the long term.

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