Click here to download Fire safety, standards, and regulations research from Cebr.

Groundbreaking research on the human and economic impacts of fire safety

Written by:
Holly Moore
Posted On:
12th January 2022

We are proud to release this comprehensive review, undertaken by expert think-tank Cebr (Centre for Economics & Business Research) into the domestic fire safety space.

This report has encompassed three modules, all analysing a different aspect of fire safety across the UK:

  • A review of the legal requirements, regulations and standards surrounding fire safety
  • A statistical analysis of the prevalence of fire
  • An impact assessment of fire safety measures

This is a seminal piece of research which combines a statistical analysis of fire incidence across the UK, a summary of the relevant legislation, and a holistic examination of the human and economic impact of fire, based on official data and a specially-commissioned YouGov survey.

We are really pleased with this tremendous work by Cebr, and hope that it will inform the forthcoming work of the Taskforce, as we challenge assumptions and press for improvement.

For a copy of the research, please get in touch.

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